The Bear Cards® – Ideas for Kids
The Bear Cards® are all about feelings (or emotions). We all know that staying fit and healthy is important for our bodies but did you know that emotional fitness is just as important?
Being emotionally fit means being happy most of the time but also being able to deal with the feelings we have when things go wrong. It is a fact that nobody can be happy all the time. It is also a fact that things sometimes do go wrong.
When things go wrong we can feel scared, sad, angry, lonely or lots of other feelings such as embarrassed, jealous or hurt. There are many, many different feelings.
Emotional fitness is:
Getting to know our feelings and the feelings of others.
Knowing the best things to do when we have these feelings.
Making sure we have time to do the things we enjoy most.
There are some good websites that can help you find out more about feelings and staying emotionally fit. See the information for Kids section of the Links page.
If you don’t feel happy most of the time, it may help to talk about it to someone you trust like a parent or a teacher. There is also Kids Helpline
You can have a lot of fun with The Bear Cards® and improve your emotional fitness at the same time!
Check out the More Games pages or download these free activity sheets:
Feelings Word Find 01 Download, print and find 12 feelings words.
Feelings Word Find 02 Download, print and find 18 feelings words.
Colour In 01 Download and print the Teddy Bears’ Picnic picture. What are all the bears feeling? Why? Colour in the picture.